Those who are beginning to come to terms with the fact that a divorce is in the cards may feel heartbroken, hopeless and deflated. In today's world of picture-perfect posts on social media, many people feel that they need to project the image of a perfect life. Having...
How are virtual visits useful in child custody?
Child custody plans come with a parenting time schedule that enables each parent to have time with their children. While the schedule might work most of the time, there are instances in which the parent who should have the children might not be able to have them at...
Your divorce can give you a positive fresh start in life
An unexpected divorce can make it feel as though your entire world is crashing down around you. The stability you've counted on is gone. The person you've loved for so long is walking away. While it is easy to get drawn up into the emotional welter, you need to take a...
Shared parenting provides benefits for everyone involved
Trying to raise your children after you divorce their other parent is a challenging situation. Not only do you have to figure out how to navigate through the child custody agreement terms, you also have to determine how you can build a meaningful relationship with the...
Points to remember when asking for a divorce
For some people, the end of a marriage is a decision based on one spouse's wishes and needs. The issue that comes up sometimes is that one spouse doesn't want to divorce. This adds more strain to a situation that's already stressful. Coming up with a plan can help you...
Don’t stay stuck in the divorce rut
A problem that many divorcing spouses experience is struggling to move on after the divorce is finalized. This does not necessarily mean moving on to another romantic partner, but just getting on with the typical activities of life.Face it — a messy divorce can...
What is a military family care plan?
Single parents in the military and families in which both parents serve must have a family care plan on file with their current commanding officer. This plan outlines what is going to happen with minor children, as well as special needs individuals who are cared for...
Guidelines for children’s medical care after your divorce
Child custody orders cover a variety of situations. One thing usually covered between the child custody and child support orders is the child's health care. It is imperative that you understand what each person's responsibilities are for this area of care.It can be a...
Depression can impact your ability to handle custody matters
Navigating the world of child custody is challenging. If you are suffering from any chronic mental health condition, such as depression, you might find that there are times when things get so stressful that you wonder how you are going to make it through it all.There...
Children’s reactions to divorce may depend on age
As you move toward divorce, you turn your attention to the kids. You have read about how hard divorce can be on children, and you'd like to shield them from that.This mindset carries over into the divorce itself. You resolve to work with your ex to come up with a...