People often have a lot of questions about their rights during divorce. They want to set themselves up for the best future possible after leaving an unsatisfactory marriage. Securing a reasonable outcome to property division proceedings is crucial to the future...
Kern County Family Law Blog
What happens if people find hidden assets during a divorce?
Divorce statutes in California leave people may very anxious about the process. Community property rules require that spouses disclose their income and assets. They have to divide everything that they earned or acquired throughout the marriage. They either do so by...
How California couples may opt to handle retirement funds in a divorce
Those facing the end of a marriage may worry about changes to their standard of living and their future financial stability. In California, community property rules leave many people frightened about the impact of property division. Almost anything acquired during the...
Which parent chooses medical care for their children post-divorce?
Parents who do not remain married or continue cohabitating with one another usually share custody of their children moving forward. When adults separate or divorce, they usually establish a formal custody order. Either through compromise or litigation, people decide...
The fate of your mortgage after a divorce in California
In California, when a couple is married, all assets acquired by both partners are split equally in a divorce unless protected by a trust or specific marital arrangements. So, if you bought a house that you are financing using a mortgage, you will have to decide how...
California divorce for the sake of your children
According to the Divorced Parents Club website, 40% of couples avoid divorce for the sake of their children - even if the marriage is unhappy. The website also states 28 percent of Americans believe couples should not divorce if they have children. California divorce...
What happens when we have assets in other countries?
Divorce is already a complicated and emotionally taxing process. Still, it can become even more complex when couples have assets in other countries. Having homes, investments, and business interests in multiple countries can make the divorce process even more...
Strategies for when your spouse won’t agree to a divorce
If you're considering divorce in California, but your spouse won't agree, you may feel stuck and uncertain about what to do next. You may be wondering if there's anything you can do to change their mind or if you'll be forced to stay in an unhappy marriage. There are...
When divorce is the best way forward
Divorce doesn't always have to be a contentious and ugly affair, but it is rarely easy. Sometimes it just makes sense, and both California spouses can agree that it's time to end the relationship and move on. Other times it happens all at once, but either way, it only...
How to create a strong parenting plan
California parents who are getting a divorce will have the additional consideration of helping their children through this difficult process. One way to do this is with the creation of a thoughtful parenting plan, which can reduce conflict and make the adjustment...