Family Law
Your Children

Helping Families Through Domestic Violence Issues

Need Restraining Order Advice From An Attorney?

Domestic violence refers not only to physical abuse, but to destruction of property, harassing phone calls or emails, threats and other similar behavior. Cases involving domestic violence and restraining orders can be extremely complex, with high stakes. At the Law Office of Michael L. Seidman, our more than 35 years of experience allows us to act quickly to help victims of domestic abuse get the protection they need and to stand up for the rights of those wrongfully accused of abuse.

Call us at 661-520-5214 or contact us online to arrange a free consultation. Our goal is to protect your rights and your family under California family law.

The Emergency Protective Order

When a police officer arrives on the scene of a domestic dispute, that officer has the ability to contact a judge for immediate authorization of an emergency protective order (EPO), sometimes referred to as restraining orders. These orders may require that the alleged abuser leave the residence immediately.

Emergency protective orders are temporary, typically lasting approximately five business days. In that time, the protected party must file for further protection from the court. Our family lawyers will assist with this process to help you get the necessary long-term protection.

Domestic Violence Hearings

Those accused of domestic violence and served with an order of protection have the right to contest it. Domestic violence hearings allow both parties to provide their version of what happened. After hearing both sides of the story, the judge will decide whether or not the domestic violence order will remain in effect. These orders can address a variety of issues, including child custody and visitation, child support, who lives at the residence and more. Our goal is to see that you are protected, and the final outcome is in your best interests.

Free Consultation About DCSS Cases

Call 661-520-5214 or email our law office to arrange a free consultation with a Bakersfield domestic violence attorney.