Family Law
Your Children

Experienced Child Custody And Visitation Attorneys

Custody and visitation problems occur between divorcing parents, unmarried parents, or parents and third-parties such as grandparents. In any child custody or visitation matter, it is important to consult with a legal team that knows how to advocate for you. At the Law Office of Michael L. Seidman, we focus on the individual needs of our clients and their families. We work toward the best outcome for you and your children under the circumstances.

Call us at 661-520-5214 or contact us by email to arrange a free consultation to discuss your California family law concerns.

Child Custody In California

While the law has certain guidelines in determining the custody of a child, there are also a number of factors and variables that could affect the outcome of your case. For example, the court will consider all factors that will affect the best interests of a child, encompassing his or her health, safety and welfare. The court will fashion a child custody order that is necessary or proper to reach that goal.

  • Who is the primary caretaker?
  • Where does the child currently reside?
  • What is the child’s preference?
  • Does either party have a drug or alcohol problem?
  • Does the child have any special needs?

As attorneys, our goal is to advocate for you in an effort to preserve your interests as well as the best interests of your child. Officially, the court will seek to ensure that there is frequent and continuing contact with both parents after divorce or separation. We work to persuade the court and opposing party that an appropriate custody arrangement is put in place.

Visitation And Parenting Time

Your agreement can be extremely specific. Anything in the child’s life may be addressed in a settlement agreement or by a judge in the courtroom. We can get as detailed as we need to achieve your objectives. We have established visitation arrangements that accommodate a work schedule, your child’s extracurricular interests, religious holidays and the individual needs of the parties.

To speak with an experienced family lawyer, call us at 661-520-5214 or contact us online. We are located in Bakersfield and serve clients in Kern County and throughout the Southern Central Valley of California.